6 Most In-Demand Technology Jobs

In an era marked by rapid advances in technology and Artificial Intelligence, our Head of Technology recruitment consulting, sheds light on the most in-demand Tech jobs of 2019.


As more companies are undergoing a digital transformation, in-demand IT roles are continuously shifting with a great focus on Artificial intelligence (AI) and developer roles. Demand for technology workers continues to grow at a pace that is unmatched by other industries.


1. Cyber-security engineer

Because of the current emphasis on organisational safety, we see a huge upswing in the number of security engineer jobs. The increase in the prevalence of cybercrime attacks on business organisations, government infrastructure and individuals has emphasised the importance of cybersecurity.


2. AI/ Machine Learning Engineer

AI and Machine Learning focus on deploying tools to solve problems by making decisions. With deep learning, data is processed through neural networks getting closer to how we think as human beings. We foresee a huge need for professionals in that arena in 2019.


3. Full-stack Developer

A full-stack developer is an engineer who can handle all the work of databases, servers, system engineering as well as clients. Depending on the project and the customer needs, it can vary from a mobile stack, a web stack or a native application. As internet processes are becoming more interactive, we expect to see a great need for full-stack developers in 2019.


4. Data Scientist

According to a recent LinkedIn report, the number of Data Scientists has grown over 650 per cent since 2012. Data science is a fast-growing field, and it has revolutionised business decision processes. Companies are now adopting a data-driven approach on a huge scale.


5. Python Developer

Python’s status as the fastest-growing programming language is fuelled by a sharp uptick in its use for data science.


6. Cloud Engineer

The cloud infrastructure market looks set to replace traditional data centres entirely. On-premise models are no longer preferred, which has reflected in international firms to lay-off some of their workforces that were skilled towards on-premise staff and replacing their work mechanisms towards Cloud Computing.

Businesses are now getting prepared for a cloud infrastructure world which creates a huge demand for cloud infrastructure professionals such as Cloud Architects, Cloud Consultants and DevOps Engineers.


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