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Jack Khabbaz

Managing partner

Representing the firm since 2013


Recruitment, executive search


Board, CEO, C-Suite and senior-level recruitment


CEO Sector Agnostic, SWFs, and Public Sector

About me

Jack joined Cooper Fitch in 2013 and is a Managing Partner and the head of CEO practice and public sector advisory. As leader of Cooper Fitch’s CEO practice, Jack partners with boards, NRCs and executive leaders from multiple industries and SWFs to support the search, assessment and appointment journeys of CEOs in the Gulf and globally. Jack brings more than 25 years of search, recruitment, consulting and commercials experience from the markets of Australia, the UAE and Saudi Arabia supporting organisations drive to their strategic objectives.

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Salary Guide

Our guide unveils expected salary ranges for new hires across various industries and core functions across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for 2022.

Want to know more?